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FARMINGTON, UT, United States
I am a traveler, artist, photographer, writer, and nature lover who likes to be alone. Always ready for an adventure but often scared to step outside my comfort zone. It's time I face my fears. This blog is about all of that and then some. It's Simply My Life put into words and pictures. It's me discovering me. Join me on this crazy journey!

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The meaning behind an original drawing by Me

When I sat down to start this drawing, I was unprepared for the level of emotion that emerged.  Of course I can't create without some degree of feeling, but the intensity was surprising and overwhelming.  I don't usually share much about the meaning of my art.  I like to let the viewers experience their own emotions without influence.  I want them to imagine with innocence rather than to try and see my intention.  However, I think this piece needs the story behind it to be told, not only to show how I create, but also the degree of my vulnerability while creating.  Besides, I am really proud of  it and kind of just want to show it off.   And hopefully after reading the short story,  you will see where my emotions are reflected in the drawing and perhaps relate to them in your own life as well.  Enjoy.

Sometimes you find yourself on a path in life with no clear direction.  You follow, not sure of where you are, but you keep going because you know no better. 

Sometimes the walk turns into a climb.  It is hard and you struggle.  You want to quit and return to the easy path, even though you know it was not right.  From somewhere a whisper urges you forward.  You do not recognize the voice, but you are compelled to go on.

One, two, a dozen hurdles overcome.  

With each step you become stronger physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  The whisper becomes louder.  It is encouraging, supportive, reassuring.  It sings in your ears. A beautiful and melodic expression of love.  Your confidence grows.  Your steps quicken.  You recognize the voice now.  It is your own.

You strive to climb higher and higher and then suddenly, you find yourself on another path, in another place.  This path ventures further outside of your comfort zone.  Further than you have ever been.  Further than you have ever imagined.  You do not know where it leads or what lies ahead, but as terrifying as that is, you continue to walk because you like the direction in which you are headed.  

You do not know when it happened, it just was, but no longer are you following a path, you are now creating one.  This new path is of your own doing.  You are forging it for yourself and no one else.  The only footsteps you see and hear are your own.

You do not know when it happened, it just was, but you have found that you like walking.  Sometimes you even run because it feels like flying and that makes you feel free.  And after what seemed like an eternity, you are no longer afraid to be yourself.

And with that discovery, you are finally happy with the woman you are.

The process of my drawing