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FARMINGTON, UT, United States
I am a traveler, artist, photographer, writer, and nature lover who likes to be alone. Always ready for an adventure but often scared to step outside my comfort zone. It's time I face my fears. This blog is about all of that and then some. It's Simply My Life put into words and pictures. It's me discovering me. Join me on this crazy journey!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy! and Still Working for The Department

I was reading over my blog and noticed I had mentioned in several of my entries that I was planning on retiring in March 2012, but haven't followed up with any kind of update.  At that time I hated my job  and was very stressed and miserable.  My husband and I decided it would be best for everyone if I retired.

I had begun making plans for my retirement.  I obtained a security guard card and had an interview scheduled with the San Diego Zoo for a security guard position.  We were getting our finances in order and things were looking good.

It was a Friday night.  I had gone to work with the intention of getting together the paperwork I needed to set my retirement.  I logged into my work email and there was a message from Personnel.  After 7-1/2 long years, my transfer to Court Services had finally come through!

Personnel: Are you still interested? 
Me: Hell yeah!  

And that is where I am today.  Happy and content sitting in a court room at the downtown Court House.  I am on a 'normal' schedule, working days with weekends and holidays off.  It's been six months since I transferred from the jails to the Court House, but my husband noticed my attitude change immediately.  Gone were the mood swings, the anger, the bitterness, and the head and stomach aches.  Not only was I happy, but now I was healthy.

However, I still have a bit of work to do on my people skills.  I've spent the last 20-years working with inmates, so I'm a bit harsh (?) and cynical when speaking to the average citizen.  I'm not as compassionate as I suppose I should be, but I'm sure that will come with time.

I am happy and with happiness change comes a lot easier.

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